Final Words

The clear performance winner in this test is HomePNA 2.0. With high data rates, robust scaling and little degradation over distance, if you need a replacement for Ethernet, this is your best solution.

Wireless connections do have great advantages. First, they allow you to access the network from anywhere in (or outside of) your home, regardless of the presence of a phone jack. Also, they allow you to roam the house freely with a laptop, without the hassle of cords. With the recent introduction of several Compact Flash 802.11b wireless adapters, even your PDA can be wirelessly connected to the network from any location you choose.

Security with both systems has been a concern. Wireless systems are especially vulnerable because home users frequently do not take the time to learn their system and enable the built-in WEP encryption. Even 64-bit encryption will deter most would-be hackers and freeloaders from stealing your valuable bandwidth and data.

If you are considering an alternate to Ethernet in your home or office, there are many things to consider, but it comes down to one primary question. Do you need the speed and robust scaling or the convenience and portability? It's up to you to go from there.

Network Scaling
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