With the computing age also came the lack of mobility. It is no wonder that most of us are stuck at a desk all day, hoping to get up and move around once in a while. Luckily, companies realize the opportunity for this. Take the wildly popular cordless phone. No loner must one sit near a wall outlet to talk on the phone, but one can easily move around, doing two things at once.

However, sending a voice signal over a 900 MHz frequency to a base that simply amplifies to signal is much simpler than sending information for not only one computer, but many devices to use. It is for this reason that wireless technologies have been lacking from our daily computer life. Previous stabs at mobile technology for the home have all been met with failure: IR due to it's limited capacity, and larger radio type devices due to their cost. Hopefully with Bluetooth and HomeRF entering the scene with a force later this year, wireless connectivity can finally become a reality. Until then, we are stuck with our ethernet cables and our USB ports.

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  • Dr AB - Saturday, May 9, 2020 - link

    So HomeRF was actually prototype of Wi-Fi as we know of today .. Interference is still an issue to this day hopefully we will see Wi-Fi 6 soon & end this issue once and for all.

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