Media Encoding Performance

We are utilizing an updated video encoding test suite for this article that includes Nero Recode 2, Windows Media Encoder 9, Sony Vegas 7.0e, and Roxio VideoWave 8. The scores reported include the full encoding process and are represented in seconds, with lower numbers indicating better performance.

Our first encoding test is quite easy: we take our original Office Space DVD and use AnyDVD and Nero Recode 2 to copy the full DVD to the hard drive without compression, thus providing an almost exact duplicate of the DVD. We then fire up Nero Recode 2, select our Office Space copy on the hard drive, and perform a shrink operation to allow the entire movie along with extras to fit on a single 4.5GB DVD disc. We leave all options on their defaults except we disable the advanced analysis option. The scores reported include the full encoding process and are represented in seconds, with lower numbers indicating better performance.

Media Encoding Performance - Nero Recode 2

The results are very interesting as we did not expect our X1250 based systems to compete in tests where CPU throughput is the prime differentiator between chipsets. The ASRock board is about 3% faster than the Intel equipped G33M.

Our next test has us converting our day at the beach AVI file into a high definition WMV file suitable for our Aunt Gertrude to view on her new high definition LCD TV. We ensured our quality settings were set to High Definition. The balance of options is set to standard settings and then we let this program do its magic.

Media Encoding Performance - Windows Media Encoder

Our MSI board finishes this grueling task about 3% quicker than the ASRock board and 5% faster than the abit board. While CPU performance is very important in this test, a good storage system is a must during this particular conversion test.

Our Sony Vegas 7.0e test converts several of our summer vacation files into one plasma screen pleasing 1080/24P format with a 5.1 audio stream. We ensured our quality settings were set to their highest levels and then let the horses loose.

Media Encoding Performance - Sony Vegas

In a test that really stresses the CPU, we see the ASRock board is about 10% faster than the MSI G33M and 6% faster than the abit.

Next on the list is our Roxio VideoWave 8 test from the PC WorldBench 6.0 test suite that makes a short collection of video vacation shorts into a final movie.

Media Encoding Performance - Roxio VideoWave 8

The MSI G33M is about 4% quicker than our X1250 boards in a test that stresses the CPU and storage system equally. Overall, the CPU throughput of the Radeon Xpress 1250 is extremely competitive with the Intel G33 chipset with storage intensive tasks favoring the Intel chipset.

Synthetic Graphics Performance Audio Encoding Performance
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  • Brick88 - Thursday, August 30, 2007 - link

    doesn't anyone feel that AMD is cutting itself short? Yes Intel is their primary competitor but by not producing an igp chipset for intel based processors, they are cutting themselves out of a big market. Intel ships the majority of processors and AMD will need every single stream of revenue to compete with Intel.
  • bunga28 - Wednesday, August 29, 2007 - link

    Charles Dickens would roll over his grave if he saw you comparing these 2 boards by paraphrasing his work.
  • Myrandex - Tuesday, August 28, 2007 - link

    I don't knwo why they would ever put that name on the board. the fact that it is getting beat by a ASRock motherboard in gaming performance is pathetic, since that name is supposed to be all about gaming (no offense to the ASRockers out there, as they aren't bad boards I have more experience with them then fatal1ty's anyways).
  • Etern205 - Tuesday, August 28, 2007 - link

    On the "abit Fatality F-I90HD: Feature Set" page,
    that Abit EQ software interface of a car looks
    familar one of those real models.

    Like this one

  • strikeback03 - Tuesday, August 28, 2007 - link

    I was thinking Hummer, either way...
  • Etern205 - Tuesday, August 28, 2007 - link

    Not really because the face of a Hummer is different
    than the one from Toyota. The face of a Hummer has
    vertical grill bars, while the Toyota does not.
  • strikeback03 - Wednesday, August 29, 2007 - link

    However the Hummer has the full-width chrome fascia, the Toyota has a part-width sorta satin chrome thing.

    I highly doubt they licensed an image of either, so it can't look exactly like any vehicle. I remember a lawsuit between Jeep and Hummer over the 7 vertical slots in eachother's grilles several years ago.
  • eBauer - Tuesday, August 28, 2007 - link

    Why are the Xpress 1250 systems running tighter timings (4-4-4-12) where the G33 system is running looser timings (5-5-5-12)?
  • strikeback03 - Tuesday, August 28, 2007 - link


    All of our boards were able to run 4GB of OCZ HPC Reaper at DDR2-800 speeds on 2.04V or less. Our optimal timings for the two X1250 boards were 4-4-4-12 while we had to run at 5-5-5-15 on the MSI G33M board. The MSI board did not care for CAS4 settings with 4GB installed but the overall memory results are still very competitive. In fact, the Sandra unbuffered scores are around 12% better than our X1250 boards and in a couple of our application benchmarks that rely on memory throughput and low latencies, this advantage will be apparent.

    Top of page 8
  • Mazen - Tuesday, August 28, 2007 - link

    I have a 6000+ (gift) and I am just wondering whether I should go with a 690G or wait for nvidia's upcoming MCP 78. Can't wait for the 690G review... thoughts anyone?

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