GeIL & OCSystem

When we saw GeIL on the floor, we saw a much different booth than expected. Interestingly enough, they shared their booth with the online reseller OCSystem. To many of our readers, simply hearing the name OCSystem makes them cringe. However, it looks as if there are new changes in the company, and their approach to reselling.

Interesting to see was the amount of stress GeIL put on overclocking. We do not typically see a vendor want to let the end user push a product beyond its advertised limits. Judging by the number of heat spreaders and thermal pastes in GeIL’s booth, the choice to overclock looks to be encouraged by the GeIL crowd. For those of you not familiar with GeIL, they are a memory vendor that typically uses Samsung chips on their modules.

Click to Enlarge

So how does OCSystem fit in? GeIL actually provides OCSystem with the majority of their memory. Although hard to see, the monitors below demonstrate two of OCSystem’s 3DMarks.

2.26GHz P4 running at 2.97GHz with PC3700, 700MHz FSB

2.66GHz P4 running at 3.2GHz with PC3400, 652MHz FSB

As we see more GeIL in the mainstream market, we will be able of tell if their quality has increased over the last several months.

Ascent & Speeze Conclusion
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  • FelixDeKat - Sunday, April 25, 2004 - link

    2002? Goodness. And all this tech is readily available today.
  • Anonymous User - Friday, October 10, 2003 - link

    #1 woohoo

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