Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/3043

Writer's high?

by Anand Lal Shimpi on March 1, 2004 10:58 AM EST

Yes, I'm blogging in class again :) For the most part, every building on State's campus is nicer than the engineering building I've spent the majority of my 4 years in. There are always exceptions to the rule, and one such exception is lecture hall 218 in Withers. This is the computer science (CSC) building, there also seems to be a lot of Chemistry and maybe some Physics that goes on in here - but this particular hall is a computer science class room. Now other than the professor I'm listening to right now (I *am* listening, just blogging at the same time :)...) most of the professors I've encountered in this building are horrible. That aside, what I'm here to talk about isn't the teaching quality of the CSC department, but rather the ceiling of Withers 218.

It is impossible to own any piece of electronics and not have dealt with the incredible amounts of dust that will accumulate on its surface. The ceiling of Withers 218 appears to have a thick layer of dust randomly distributed across the entire surface of the ceiling. I'd estimate the dust to be over 1" thick in its worst places, but probably 0.25" - 0.5" in most areas. I first discovered this the first time I had a class in here years ago; someone told me to look at the ceiling and all of the sudden I wanted to stop breathing. Four years later and I seem to still be living, but I can't help but have an intense desire to run in here one day with a big dustbuster and have at it with the ceiling. If I had a camera on my phone I'd take a picture of it.

I know, pleasant thoughts for the morning :)

Now I've heard of runner's high, which I do believe I get when I'm crazy enough, but I'm fairly certain that I receive some sort of a high when I write or talk about anything I'm passionate about. I had to give a presentation this morning about some AT related stuff and I swear that the fact that I had to wake up 1.5 hours earlier than normal to give the presentation was completely wiped out by the fact that I'm so much more energized after talking about stuff I'm passionate about for 45 minutes. It's one of the best feelings in the world.

An even better feeling? Being able to talk to Vinney after my presentation, that just puts me in a mood that can't be beat. I love you Vinney :)

Looks like class is over so I'm outta here, and this time I didn't lose my blog before posting it :)

Have a great day everyone, I'll be at home studying for the mutually assured destruction compiler test I have tomorrow. eep.

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