Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/3025

I've always considered AnandTech to be a family and today, one of our family members has had the wonderful blessing of a new child. Our own Jason and Karen Clark just welcomed their first baby boy - Ethan Thomas Clark at 7 lbs 8 oz.

I know the two are very excited about their second child (little ms. jada clark was their first) and I'd welcome you all to share in their excitement - afterall, the AnandTech family extends far beyond the staff.

If you'd like to you can drop them a quick congrats at jason.clark@anandtech.com. I know they'd appreciate them :)

Both Jason and Karen have been a tremendous help in taking AT to where it is today; Jason serves as our Senior Developer and Karen is our Managing Editor who makes sure that the articles are up as soon as they are ready. Jason and Karen are also just genuinely wonderful people and I've been lucky to have them both as friends for about 6 years now.

Congrats Jason and Karen, I can't wait to see him :)

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