Netbook Power Requirements

As a corollary to the battery life tests, we also performed measurements of power requirements using the AC adapters and a Kill-A-Watt device. These numbers are only accurate to the nearest Watt, so a difference of 1W (i.e. from rounding) could obscure up to a 12% actual difference in power requirements. Also note that power requirements change when you switch to DC power, so the battery life tests are a better indication of a true power requirements. Still, it's interesting to see just how little power these notebooks consume relative to entry-level laptops -- let alone your typical gaming desktop.

System Power Requirements - Idle

System Power Requirements - CPU

System Power Requirements - Graphics

In most of the test cases, the M1022 ends up using a couple Watts more than the 1005HA. Since we run our battery life tests at 100 nits, there's still something else going on when we switch to DC power that the above charts don't show. As mentioned, the 1005HA averages 8.6W in the Internet Battery test compared to 11.1W for the M1022, where percentagewise the M1022 uses 29% more power. When we switch to AC power, it looks like the M1022 only uses 5~20% more power -- and that's with the ASUS Super Hybrid Engine disabled. There's obviously some room for Gigabyte to optimize power requirements further.

Netbook Battery Life Comparison Netbook LCD Quality
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  • her34 - Thursday, August 27, 2009 - link

    we don't need docks. docks are a step backwards.

    what is better and what should have happened is for displayport to have usb2 integrated from the beginning. then the monitor functions as the dock for any laptop. from usb ports on monitor, people can connect: keyboard, laptop, hdd, printer, etc. from monitor there would also be speaker output

  • strikeback03 - Friday, August 28, 2009 - link

    Is Displayport also going to carry power for the system and wired ethernet for those who want it? That would seem to make for an awfully bulky connector for those who only want to use it to connect an LCD to a desktop system.
  • faxon - Thursday, August 27, 2009 - link

    that is an awesome idea. would have been really great if they had done this
  • acejj26 - Thursday, August 27, 2009 - link

    conclusion page...last i checked, 350 + 270 = 620
  • JarredWalton - Thursday, August 27, 2009 - link

    Sorry. Core dump....

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