
Without doubt, Crysis is the sternest 3D test for any motherboard and GPU solution. The Crysis team reached new heights in developing a FPS engine that brings even the highest specification systems to their knees. Users have begun to base purchasing decisions solely on how well a component handles this game. As we are using a single card here, we have to stick with medium detail levels. Further, we are still experiencing problems with consistent benchmark results from the 64-bit version of the game, so we have to stick with running our benchmarks on the 32-bit version for now.

Benchmark - Harbour Demo - E8500-3.16GHz

Benchmark - Harbour Demo - E8500-4GHz

Benchmark - Harbour Demo - E8500-3.16GHz

Benchmark - Harbour Demo - E8500-4GHz

Like 3DMark06, Crysis is all about GPU power and PCIE bandwidth. Due to the nature of the Crysis 3D engine, the DFI X48 holds its own in Crysis and provided trouble free operation at stock and overclocked settings.

Synthetic Graphics Performance Unreal Tournament 3
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  • lopri - Monday, April 28, 2008 - link

    Sorry if I missed it but I can't locate it?
  • Rajinder Gill - Monday, April 28, 2008 - link


    There is no PDF, it is an Adobe flash player video on page 14..

  • Kromis - Monday, April 28, 2008 - link

    I'm loving the green!
  • Kromis - Monday, April 28, 2008 - link

    I haven't heard/read much from DFI in a while

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