Final Words

Taking this review at surface value one can see three well thought-out and generally good case designs, and hopefully a clear winner for the combination of features that individual is looking for.

A little deeper down though, this article shows that in general there is still progress being made in this industry, and perhaps more importantly there is room to develop further still. The newest of the three cases here, the Aguila, really shows the best overall customization, usability, and thermal performance to boot. For around $120 online, someone can enjoy a work of engineering that shows good craftsmanship, styling, and performance engineering as well.

For users looking for a case capable of holding an extended ATX motherboard, options are a lot more limited. We're all accustomed with the all-too-familiar look of behemoth beige server cases with more fans than drive bays, but the Eureka helps to squelch this connotation with a clean look and easy-to-use layout. It's certainly not the quietest tower case out there, but with a relatively good chance of putting a server computer in an area that might not get much traffic this might not be a big problem. The good cooling performance is enticing too, and considering an average online price of $140 there really is a lot of value for your dollar here. It doesn't hurt that the unit is built like a tank, either.

Some people really care about the looks of their new rig more than anything else, and with cases as unique as the Eclipse DV it's not hard to see why. With acceptable noise levels and cooling abilities, easy-to-use drive cages, and an industry first built-in visible optical drive, the $240 Eclipse DV has a lot going for it. It most certainly isn't going to be the first pick for a lot of people, whether because of the price, exotic styling, or need for space on both sides of the case for optimal enjoyment, but some people will see this unit simply as a "have to have it" product, and for that we applaud Thermaltake for taking a leap and running with the idea so many of us had when we saw the original Eclipse.

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  • raskren - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 - link

    I'm tired of these Nite Brite cases designed for the 15 year old boy. Come on! How about something a little more professional? I don't need or want giant holes, windows, or cases covered in LEDs!
  • JoshuaBuss - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 - link

    despite what the majority of comments seem to point to, the fact is Thermaltake's cases sell like hot-cakes. people like them.. and no, I'm not just talking about 15 year old boys. different strokes for different folks
  • Operandi - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 - link

    Nickelback, the Chevy Cavalier, and Huffy bikes sell like “hot-cakes” too yet all three suck, hmm… how about that?

    People like them sure but based on the comments here not the Anandtech demographic.
  • JoshuaBuss - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 - link

    trust me, the 'active anandtech comment posters' demographic is nothing like the 'active anandtech reader' demographic ;)
  • Le Québécois - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 - link

    Amen !
  • Forbin85 - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 - link

    I have to agree. What's with the doors on the front too?

    I actually just bought myself a Coolermaster Centurion 534 for my Conroe build.
  • bob661 - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 - link

    I have a red Aspire aluminum case. I can't find my case anywhere anymore so I'm assuming it's been discontinued although steel versions can be found. Very simple design with side facing hard drive trays damn near the same as the Aguila. I'll have this case for a LONG time before I give it up. BTX will probably be the only way I'll change it.
  • AMD4ME2 - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 - link

    I personally like screws! to hold in my expansion cards! I work on alot of machines daily and seriously... I'm sick of opening computers and finding expansion cards bouncing around in the case because of some wimpy screwless design.
  • SilthDraeth - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 - link

    "Once our install was completed we noticed how much the honeycomb grill acts like a standard case window, but frankly we appreciate the ventilation and EMF shielding it provides more than just the cool factor."

    Just how much EMF shielding do you think an aluminum grill provides? And you mention that you like the ventilation, while at the same time, you express your worry over your hard drives getting to hot???


    "This decision is interesting for a case designed more for sever use though, considering it sacrifices airflow over the hard drives, which shows up as considerably higher temperatures for our system hard drive and MOSFETs."

    I guess you can say the case is designed for servers. I actually thought it was a small form factor case, instead of an ATX case for building your own standard computer in.

    On a positive note I like the Aguila's design, but I still do not think it touches the Coolermaster Praetorian.
  • JoshuaBuss - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 - link

    good point. I'll see if I can re-word that.

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