Hard Disk Performance: Multi-Tasking & Game Tests

Multitasking Test Procedure

To provide a real world example of multitasking, we run Outlook and import 450MB of email messages into an account while running our benchmarking utility to zip a single 300MB file. To compare our results, we calculate the difference between the multitasked process and the single task file zip process.

Multitasking Performance

Both Raptors provide excellent results due to their excellent reading algorithms while the Samsung drive performs closer to its price point in this benchmark.

Game Test Procedures

Our Game Level Loading Time tests include two of the most popular games: Doom 3 and Half-Life 2. Because of their high resolution textures and the large levels, the loading time for the levels of each game are long enough to show a difference between each drive.

We have also included an older strategy game, Command & Conquer: Generals, because of its longer level load times as well. Though the game is a couple of years old, it still proves to be a good measure of data loading performance.

We will be updating our benchmark suite in the near future.

Doom 3 - Caverns1 Level - Loading Performance

Half-Life 2 - D1_Canals_01 Level - Loading Performance

Command & Conquer Generals - GLA C3S1 Level - Loading Performance

The Raptors once again show excellent results with the WD1500 leading the WD740GD by a few points.

Hard Disk Performance: Single Application Tests Hard Drive Performance: Thermal and Acoustics
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  • Gary Key - Wednesday, February 8, 2006 - link

    Yes, the WD740GD-00FLC0 is the drive listed under the WD740GD description. I will have an additional notation up shortly.

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