Jetway and their Unique Motherboards

Jetway had a number of unique boards at their booth; first off, there was a motherboard that featured both Socket-939 and Socket-754 support. Obviously you can either use one or the other, but it still offers a good deal of flexibility.

ECS had a similar design about a year ago, so it's nothing too new but it is still interesting to see.

Jetway also showcased a Socket-939 PCI Express motherboard based on VIA's K8T890 chipset:

The K8T890 has been having a lot of problems according to motherboard makers, which explains why we have yet to see any real availability of boards based on the chipset.

Below is Jetway's Socket-754 motherboard with both PCI Express and AGP support:

The peculiar thing about this motherboard is that it is based on NVIDIA's nForce4 chipset, which doesn't support AGP. We didn't see any other chips on the motherboard, so we can only assume that the AGP slot is little more than a PCI slot with a different connector.

Final Words

We've already covered the vast majority of the show, but there is still more to come - including our annual industry report based on feedback from manufacturers at the show.

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  • bigboxes - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - link

    That cmos reset button on Abit's front panel is pretty cool, if not somewhat of a gimmick. It just seems that the mobo mfgrs don't bother in asking the customers what we really want. If a mobo has a great bios then it's lacking in controllers or if it has higher DIMM voltage settings then it has ridiculous colors and LEDs.
  • Doormat - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - link

    Wow, a PC-based cablecard tuner is being held up by DRM requirements? What a surprise. Mark my words it'll never make it to market. I'd venture to say that we might see CC 2.0 tuners for a closed platform like the Xbox360 or PS3 (to turn it into a Tivo-like device), but never for a standalone PC. The MPAA would have to fall apart before a PC cablecard tuner will be allowed to be sold in the US.
  • Waylay00 - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - link

    Wow, looks great! Must have A8N-SLI Premium...

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