
The Chenbro is made of the typical steel still used in many cases today. We would like to see more manufacturers make use of aluminum, but we realize that it comes with a price. Chenbro, however, has constructed the Xpider II in a way that would make us forget aluminum, if only for a while.

Sharp edges are the main concern of buyers who consider steel chassis. Sharp edges can lead to cut wires, or even cut hands. Chenbro has done a great job in folding over and dulling those edges to keep the problem to a minimum.

Click to enlarge.

As far as security features go, the Xpider II really only has one, and the way it is designed, it only needs one. Since there is no removable right panel, the only thing keeping strangers from fiddling with the insides of your case is the left panel. There is a key lock at the back of the case to secure the panel. No key, no access.

Since the releases for the front bezel are inside the case behind the left panel, that also cannot be removed.

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  • Operandi - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - link


    Stop reviewing these things.
  • Pixle - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - link

    What in the....

    What type of designers or artists did they have. That thing gives me a headache just looking at it.
  • Manzelle - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - link


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