Final Words

If you have any interest in overclocking, there should be something that will interest you in our Recommendations and Alternatives. With a range of prices from $836 to just over $2400 for core overclocking components, you should find what you are looking for. It was not really our intention to do four Buyer's Guides in looking at overclocking, but it was hard to address what we believe Overclockers are looking for without addressing both the Performance and Value segments of overclocking.

This led to recommendations for a Athlon 64 Socket 939 system, a Prescott Socket 775 system, a Northwood Socket 478 system, and a Athlon XP Socket A system. With this range of choices, you will surely find an overclocking system that will meet your needs.

Experienced overclockers will not need this caution, but we strongly recommend that beginning overclockers consult our forums for more information on how to overclock, as it can be dangerous for inexperienced users. What we've talked about in this guide may be new to you, if you don't have some type of background in overclocking. If you don't understand what we have discussed in this Overclocking Buyer's Guide, please go to AnandTech's forums (or any good online hardware forum) for advice and answers to your basic overclocking questions. You should also be aware that most manufacturers discourage overclocking, and the overclocking of components will often void your warranty.

We did not really address Heatsink/Fans in this Overclocking Buyer's Guide because we figured 10,000 words was more than enough for the first revision. In all cases, we assumed the retail HSF in our prices or a modest choice for HSF. We do intend to address HSF recommendations in next month's update to the Overclocking Guide.

Now, go build your dream overclocking system and let us know what you think in our comments section at the bottom of every page. Whether you agree or disagree with where the Overclocking Buyer's Guide is going, we would like to know what you think.

Overclocking System Summaries
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  • bluedart - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 - link

    It does say the price. Read from the top of the page:

    AGP Overclocking Recommendation: eVGA 256MB GeForce 6800 GT
    Price: $389 shipped

    BTW FX53 is a good choice at overclocking. Keep in mind this is with air. But if you utilize other forms of cooling the FX will go even higher, approaching 3GHz with proper cooling (see THG's review). This makes it one FX58. That is absolutely a grand overclock, seeing that FX58 speeds will not be here for another year or so.
  • danidentity - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 - link

    #4: Did you read Anandtech's article on breaking the overclocking lock? Almost all companies have broken it. It is very possible to reach those speeds with the stock HSF.
  • devonz - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 - link

    Why isn't the 6800 GT card in the price list on that page? Or am I missing it somehow?
  • T8000 - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 - link

    I think recommending an Athlon FX for overclocking is a joke. Those things do not even manage a 5% overclock, and their real world performance is only close to a P4 at 3.4 GHZ, as gaming at 640x480 is not very common among people spending this kind of money. And at a realistic setting of 1600x1200 and 4xFSAA, the CPU is not really the bottleneck in todays games. When you do encoding, where CPU speed does matter in the real world, the P4 is head and shoulders above Athlon FX.
  • yzkbug - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 - link

    How about a VALUE OC DDR section? Paying $300+ for 5-10% performance increase over ~$150 regular DDR is a waste, imho.
  • Zebo - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 - link

    1. 2.8 P4C to 3.6 $180
    2. A64 3200 to 2.5 $223

    1. Duron 1.8 to 2.4 $44
    2. Mobile XP to 2.6 $89

  • Zebo - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 - link

    Wow recommending a P4C over a moblie barton in the value section.Twice the price for roughly the same OC performance I don't get it. It's the inverse of price to performance. must be an error is all I can imagine.

    Then recommending a Socket 775 presshot. Lets see this 3.8- 4GHZ OC with stock HSF. I don't think so. Then the overclock lock issues which hav'nt been settled, have they? My understanding is 10% over stock FSB, yeilding about 3.4 Ghz far from 4ghz, the system crashes!! What kind of overclockers choice is that?

  • chuwawa - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 - link

    Perhaps it's time to start recommending the Athlon64 3000+ for the value OC alternative.
  • bluedart - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 - link

    This is a great guide for overclocking, although I believe that there needs to be some more acutal testing with the 755 and 939 sockets to give us a better picture of how they perform. It is especially difficult when PCIxpress and ddr2 aren't widely available yet.

    If anyone else has some REAL data on overclocking these new platforms, I would like to see those posts.

    Currently I am making a heat sink out of synthetic Diamond (better heat transfer than copper and silver by 2x) and will be testing it on the FX system. If there are any other reccommendations I would be more than happy to hear them.
  • expletive - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 - link

    I would cast a vote for the A64 3500+. If it can reach 2.6 like an FX53 at half the price that's tough to beat.

    The 3500+ is currently retailing for $390 shipped online. I know thats not quite a 'value' but to get FX53 gaming performance for half the price, that can't be denied....

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