Final Thoughts

COMDEX certainly has changed in recent shows. It is too early to speculate if COMDEX will even be around next year, but it is quite easy for us to say that CES will be the show to attend in January.

For all of those wondering what we have been up to for the last couple of weeks as far as LCDs are concerned, we have some neat new stuff to look forward to. Aside from the 193P and 172X from Samsung, we are currently matching the 213T up against our reigning champion, the Dell 2001FP. We also have Albatron's incredible 30" cinematic display and samples from Sony's HS and SDM LCD lines. Hopefully, we will have some samples of ViewSonic's second generation VG line as well. We have quite a busy lineup ahead, so hang on tight!

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  • TwYsTeD - Sunday, November 30, 2003 - link

    Sounds good :)
  • KristopherKubicki - Saturday, November 29, 2003 - link

    Hi Twysted,

    Working on a DVDR roundup first, then ill move over to the two LCD battle. Im waiting for a new dualhead video card from sapphire which should be here monday.

  • TwYsTeD - Saturday, November 29, 2003 - link

    Great info :)

    When will we see the article for the 213T vs 2001FP? ;)
  • KristopherKubicki - Saturday, November 29, 2003 - link

    Actually, LGPhilips LCD invented IPS :) Hitachi and NEC are both using LGP's panels and technology.

    Hitachi has been on a pretty decent spiral into the ground for the last few years :( particularly as far as R+D

  • miomao - Saturday, November 29, 2003 - link

    Great info about LCD! :)

    For 19'' S-IPS panel I wait for Hitachi or Nec.
    The Eizo L565 have Hitachi panel and is the best I ever seen.

    ...can be because Hitachi have invented IPS technology? ;)
  • artifex - Friday, November 28, 2003 - link

    Two AGP cards in a single box? How did Liebermann manage that?

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